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KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training Features


Simulated Phishing Attacks

The results of the 2022 KnowBe4 Phishing by Industry Benchmarking Report clearly show where organizations’ Phish-prone Percentages started and where they ended up after at least 12 months of regular testing and security awareness training. The study analyzed a data set that included 9.5 million users across 30,173 KnowBe4 customers with over 23.4 million simulated phishing security tests across nineteen different industries.

The overall industry initial Phish-prone Percentage benchmark turned out to be a troubling 32.4%. Fortunately, the data showed that this 32.4% can be brought down almost in half to just 17.6% within 90 days of deploying new-school security awareness training. The one-year results show that by following these best practices, the final Phish-prone Percentage can be minimized to 5% on average.

Read the full report.



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